Contact Us
drop us a line and we’ll get back to you as soon as we’re back from milking.
Contact Info
Bidlea Dairy, Twemlow Lane, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, CW4 8DS
Email Us
Call Us
01477 544 777
Opening Hours
- Shop: Monday - Sunday: 9am - 5pm
- Locker boxes, Vending machines and (NEW) Ice cream vending machine: Sunday: 7am - 9:30pm
Important notice: Unfortunately we will be closing the gates at Bidlea tonight at 9.30pm and reopening at 6.30am. This will be the case for the next week and then we will re-assess.
We apologise but the minority have really spoiled it recently for the majority and we have to put a stop to the anti-social behaviour we have experienced.
Please don’t visit between 9.30pm and 6.30am – everything will be locked.
Thank you everyone for your support and cooperation, we appreciate it, and this is not a decision we are taking lightly at all!